Sunday 15 January 2017

Android: How To Clear Your Cache

In case your Florida Tree Snail refuses to play videos, of if you have any bugs/errors hampering your game, the first step of troubleshooting is usually clearing your game's cache and relaunching the app to see if the problem is fixed.

Clearing Game Cache

Here are the steps you can follow:

1) Close the game & go to the Settings in your phone

2) In your Settings menu, look for Applications (or your Application Manager). Then search for Starlight/Flutter and click on it

3) Look for the "Clear Cache" button and click on it.

Do not click on "Clear Data" by accident if you are not intending to do so, or else you will have to redownload all the game updates when you open up the app. 

4) For some devices, you may have to search for the "Clear Cache" button in one of the menu options on your Applications Manager

After you click on Starlight in your Applications Manager check the "Storage" tab.

Ok then re-load the game and see if the issue is fixed. If the problem still persists, you may have to reinstall the game, or send in a ticket to Runaway Support.

Clearing Cache Partition

Some users have suggested clearing your device's cache partition to get rid of unnecessary data. A cache partition is basically a temporary space used by the device for downloading temporary files it needs when installing apps and such. It can also store logs, remembered bits from various apps, or left over files from before your last Android update. These old data may be the cause of errors popping up in your devices.

The steps needed to clear a cache partition varies across devices. You may need to consult Mr.Google for instructions. For a more detailed explanation & guide, check out this page here. Just be careful when entering the system recovery menu so that you don't accidentally do something you don't intend to.

Hopefully your problem gets fixed soon!

Happy Starry Fluttering~! ♥ 


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